Kiren & Fitness Training



Subcutaneous fat lies on top of the muscles, just under the skin, over our entire body; visceral (belly) fat lies below the muscles around the midsection where it attaches itself to our internal organs. Most of us focus on the subcutaneous fat that we can easily see—and pinch—but visceral fat is the more deadly of the two.


We used to think fat cells simply stored excess calories, but researchers now consider visceral fat an active organ, like the liver or pancreas. Visceral fat actually secretes hormones and lipids—such as triglycerides—that are harmful to the body and is linked to a laundry list of diseases, including poor brain health:


Insulin resistance

Cardiac Dysfunction (left ventricular dysfunction)

Hyperglycemia (high blood glucose)

Hyperlipidemia (high blood fat)

Coronary artery disease

Sleep apnea


High blood pressure

Cancer (rectal, pancreatic, endometrial, postmenopausal breast cancer)

Numerous studies show a link between a large waist and a higher risk of death—even among people who aren’t overweight. Researchers now say your waist size, which generally reflects the amount of visceral fat you carry, may be a better predictor of disease than your body mass index (BMI). The BMI can calculate if you are overweight, but it does not distinguish between muscle and fat.


Visceral fat cannot be measured except by using a scan (CT or MRI). However, if you are lean and sedentary, you may have visceral fat, and if you are overweight and sedentary, you almost certainly have excessive visceral fat.


Studies have proven that dieting, reducing your sugar intake, and participating in weekly cardio and weight training contribute to a reduction in visceral fat (as well as subcutaneous fat).


Here are just two of the numerous websites that can provide additional information on visceral and subcutaneous fat:



Good luck on your journey to a healthier you!


Why is the Lymphatic System so important to your health and wellness? Because this vital system:

Aids the immune system in removing and destroying waste, debris, dead blood cells, pathogens, toxins, and cancer cells.

Absorbs fats and fat-soluble vitamins from the digestive system and delivers these nutrients to the cells of the body where they are used by the cells.

However, since the lymphatic system does not have its own heart to pump it, its circulation depends on the motions of the body's muscles and joints. This is a great reason for us to leave our sedentary lifestyles behind and promote health and wellness through movement.